Simple & Practical Tips for Less Stress at Christmas with a New Baby.
Christmas and the holiday season can be a stressful time of year – and one spent with a newborn even more so! Here are some handy tips to help you and your little one, enjoy the festive season. This Christmas will be different for you in terms of what you feel up for and […]
14 of the best children’s books about Christmas – for different ages.
Get into the festive spirit with some Christmas-themed bedtime stories – perfect to snuggle up to in front of the tree, sipping hot chocolate 🙂 From wintery classics to new favourites about Father Christmas and his life in the North Pole, this reading list is suitable for all ages. Here are some classic and popular […]
7 Quick & Easy Tips To Get Excited Kids To Sleep around Christmas!
The guests have arrived, the presents are wrapped, the shops are closed, & the carrots & whiskey are out for Father Christmas & the Reindeer BUT the kids are still up jumping about in total excitement and not in the least ready for bedtime. Getting kids to sleep can be challenging at the best of […]
Coping With Christmas Stress
Christmas, although a time of great joy and celebration, can also be the most stressful of times for even the best of parents, with the family home chaotic and often besieged by visitors. Throw into the mix over excited children who have weeks to sit around at home and the situation can quickly spiral out […]
The Sue Atkins Gift Guide – 7 Great Parenting Christmas Gift Ideas
Looking for the perfect present but not sure what’s best? 7 Great Parenting Christmas Gift Ideas Every item in this guide is personally chosen by Sue to develop confidence, creativity, self esteem & independence. Let the Sue Atkins Gift Guide take the stress out of choosing the perfect gift for your child whether they are […]
How Homestart Can Help & Not Just at Christmas.
I am very proud to be one of the Ambassadors for Home Start because it is a remarkable charity and last night I had the privilege of being invited to attend the Home-Start Charity Carol Service in St. Bride’s Church in Fleet Street – the most delightful place of worship. It has recently been refurbished and […]
More Play Leads To More Learning – Making Christmas Presents Easy
“Play is essential to development because it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children and youth.” ~ American Academy of Paediatrics It’s coming up to Christmas and you’re probably wondering what toys to buy for your kids. I think it’s helpful to remember that more play leads to more learning and that […]
How To Survive Your First Christmas Alone
It can be really stressful facing your first Christmas alone. Perhaps, you are finding that you have had 20 years of family Christmases with tinsel and turkey, kids unwrapping their pressies in pyjamas with the Carols singing out on the stereo, the log fire blazing and a full house brimming with family. Then it all […]
How do YOU handle Christmas Family Fall Outs? Here Are My Tips.
We all face similiar problems at Christmas from Auntie Mabel on the sherry to Grandad and Brexit. So, here are just a few of my tips to not just surviving Christmas but thriving at this season of goodwill. While Christmas can be an exciting time, it can also be a big cause of […]
Tips for Shopping With Toddlers at Christmas.
I think Christmas shopping and shopping generally with toddlers, is given a bad press! With a little bit of planning and some common sense there are many practical ways to take the stress, frustration and tension out of buying your father- in – law his annual socks and festive tie! Remember that small children […]
Should I get my child an e-reader or books for Christmas?
e-readers are hugely popular with parents – but research shows kids prefer printed books, magazines and comics. So is it worth buying them a book? Check out these wonderful books in The Sue Atkins Book Club
Is yours a MAD HOUSE at Christmas ? Here are my tips to calm things down.
I was really delighted to see my tips appear on Cheryl Pasquier’s Mad House Family Review site this weekend. “A friend of mine is having trouble sorting out the arrangements over Christmas Dinner with her ex. I thought that maybe I should encourage her to refocus her priorities, by reminding her of something important. […]
Kids and Teenagers With ADHD and the Christmas Holidays. Jingle Bells or Jingle Hell?
I found an interesting article on Health Central about Teenagers finding the change in routine very stressful around the Christmas holiday time. Here are some tips to help you get through the holiday period when you have a teenager with ADHD: Plan out their holiday homework. Once your child reaches secondary school, teachers often assign […]
7 Great Additional Needs Toys For Christmas
This year I’ve made a lovely new friend in Georgina Durrant ( listen to our fabulous interview on my parenting podcast )who writes a wonderful blog for parents of children with Special Needs called The SEN Resources Blog It’s BURSTING with advice, learning activities and recommended toys, books and resources for children with SEN. Do head over […]
How do YOU handle Christmas Family Fall Outs? Sure Fire Tips to Help.
I was interviewed on the Vanessa Feltz Show on BBC Radio London about how to handle relatives at Christmas! We all face similar problems at Christmas from Auntie Mabel on the sherry to Grandad on Brexit to navigating all the rules around topics to avoid with your sister! So, here are just a […]