Kids and Teenagers With ADHD and the Christmas Holidays. Jingle Bells or Jingle Hell?
I found an interesting article on Health Central about Teenagers finding the change in routine very stressful around the Christmas holiday time. Here are some tips to help you get through the holiday period when you have a teenager with ADHD: Plan out their holiday homework. Once your child reaches secondary school, teachers often assign […]
7 Great Additional Needs Toys For Christmas
This year I’ve made a lovely new friend in Georgina Durrant ( listen to our fabulous interview on my parenting podcast )who writes a wonderful blog for parents of children with Special Needs called The SEN Resources Blog It’s BURSTING with advice, learning activities and recommended toys, books and resources for children with SEN. Do head over […]
A Social Story To Help Autistic Children Cope With Losing.
Some children with autism may find it very difficult to control their emotions when they don’t win in a game, quiz, or activity. Of course, everyone likes to win at games, but it is so much harder for children on the autism spectrum. Social Stories can help autistic children develop their social skills and handle […]
Special Needs or Additional Needs is like an umbrella sheltering and hiding a huge collection of diagnoses underneath.
I’ve been sent this question to my Sue Atkins Parenting Show podcast – where we all discuss every possible aspect of parenting, giving you advice and support on topics which affect your daily life. It’s bursting with practical tips, techniques and ideas. Come and join us and listen wherever to listen to your favourite podcasts. […]
The Oops Plan – When Perfect Plans Plummet!
You know when your plans don’t always go according to plan? You know ‘the best laid plans of mice and men’ scenario when even with the most careful planning things don’t necessarily work out the way you thought? You know that moment when your kids are tired, overwhelmed, frustrated, striving for more independence or […]
As part of my TODDLER Roadmap I talk about fussy eaters, faddy eaters or picky eaters – depending where you live in the world, but what is certain is that parents around the globe worry about their toddler’s eating habits! So, reading about food is one of the best ways to get little ones […]
Parenting Sunshine Using Your Head, Your Heart & Your Gut ☀️
Did you know you have three brains? Bet that surprised you! You might have read that Neuroscience now tells us that we each have three brains. The one we most often think about and pay attention to is the “head” or cephalic brain. The heart (cardiac) and a gut (enteric) brain. Each has sensory neurons, motor […]
Sue Atkins Tips for Children Returning to School After Lock Down
As a former Deputy Head and Class Teacher for over 22 years it’s a time of uncharted waters for us all – parents, teachers & children – and we are all in this together – supporting, nurturing, encouraging and looking after each other. Schools are being asked to open their doors on 8th March but […]
Luna™ is Lighting up the World for Young Eyes During the Darkness of Lockdown
Teen Body Clock – How It’s Affected By Screens Luna™ and her family are the host of a series of ‘tiktok’ style videos. They are designed to help young people understand how light affects their health and happiness. And, more importantly, what they can do about it. ?There are five topics. Each responds to […]
Parenting in a Pandemic GIVEAWAY – worth £800
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues it’s really challenging to handle all the uncertainty – some of you may be able to return to work, some of you may have just had a baby during this isolating and stressful time, some of you may be stuck with a partner that you plan to leave, while others […]
Sue in Conversation with Wendy White Creator of My Mood Stars a resource to support children’s emotions.
Why I DON’T think singing ‘Happy Birthday’ is a good idea for kids protecting themselves from the Coronavirus
? I was thinking that’s it’s not a great idea to link the ‘Happy Birthday Song’ to the Coronavirus ! ? It may become anchored in your child’s mind as a negative, scary time and you don’t want that association unconsciously associated around their birthday ! Also do your kids really want to keep singing ‘God […]
6 Parenting Tips When Your Child is Disruptive in Class.
Every parent dreads receiving a call from their child’s school in the middle of the day. The call is not usually to congratulate you about something good or to extend an invitation to an upcoming event to celebrate your child’s achievements – those calls usually wait until after school or you receive them through an […]
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Resources Blog, Reviews & Recommendations.
I was really delighted to receive this review of my book on my birthday from SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS RESOURCES BLOG REVIEW: RAISING HAPPY CHILDREN FOR DUMMIES BY SUE ATKINS I was chatting to a good friend of mine over the weekend about parenting. In particular about our lack of ‘training’ as parents. She explained how […]
Your ADHD Child and Homework
Minimising homework and study battles with your attention deficit disorder (ADD /ADHD) child & helping them succeed in homework is often about separating out the tasks into 20 minute chunks and reinforcing their positive behaviour with specific praise. Below are some hints, tips and techniques to get you started. When? Plan homework for a set […]